"Cool, Calm and Highly Effective" - We celebrate 5 years of R&P with Conde Nast Property

Five years ago, I left the safety net of a long-established corporate agency career and took a leap into the unknown.

And despite a global pandemic, several lockdowns and a very volatile market, it’s still the best thing I've ever done.

I’ve managed to stick to my guns (and principles); kept focused on only ever handling a few quality clients and properties to ensure a level of service that my clients need and that I can be proud of; brought in our highly experienced Kensington expert, Tom (Tangney) and we’ve built up solid base of long-standing clients who value our advice, discretion and understated, yet effective approach.

We have worked with Fiona Forsythe at Conde Nast Property for years and she has been a great support in the growth of our business. This month, we have another feature in Conde Nast's property pages.

"Rose & Partners aim to be different, offering highly personalised, strategic real estate services to deliver clients’ goals in the top-tier residential property market. Nimble and flexible, they have established a loyal following with their niche approach."

Our clients are busy, they’re captains of industry or heads of companies with multiple homes and complex lives, and they want to “cut through the noise”...They seek simplicity and excellence in achieving their goals, and that is our niche.

I couldn't be more proud of what we have achieved to date and am very much looking forward to continuing to carve that niche for the foreseeable future and have some exciting developments to announce later on in the year...

Thank you to all our associates and clients. We look forward to working with you for a long time to come.